Monday 10 September 2012

A full day adventure

We are going to see our English friends who live about 2.5 hours away ...  We thought it's a good idea to pack some breakfast and have a picnic somewhere on the way...

Normally, we let our sleepy bums lay just a bit longer in bed because most mornings are turning a bit cool these days...but not today...we started our drive as the sun rises!

On the way, we saw this man  (probably on his way to work) on a MOTORized bicycle...I thought it was cool idea but my girls thought they'd rather have it as pedal bicycle sans the fumes and so avoid the need for a trip to the petrol station too!   

Most summer days are always bright and clear...and even taking photo from inside the car gives a clear prospective of the surrounding mountain all around us!

We also noticed the presence of many solar panels on the valleys. These are big scale businesses selling an alternative power source.

We had a wonderful time with our friends. Amongst which, we also enjoyed seeing their creativity in their house and outside the garden. Giving us a lot of inspiration and ambition starts soaring!

Here's another whimsical thing they did to their trees!

and we even met their neighbour's cat who enjoys staying in their garden like he's one of the residents there. He is a friendly cat but looks a bit vicious..don't you think? 

As the sun sets, we were on our way home once again.

We passed by more mountain sceneries which we love very much!

To be continued....


  1. wow love what they done with the tree!

    SOlar's just starting over here in Msia. But it's very expensive to install the whole system in the house. Onlythe very rich have the means to do that

    1. Solar panels are getting cheaper...but they need to go down further to be affordable for all...

  2. I am not sure will people shock when they see the head hanging at the tree at night , hahaha. Anyway this is kind of great idea. Once in a while,Is fun to having this kind of short driving trip.lovely scenery along the way.

    1. That boy was meant to be half hiding behind the tree...but the way we took the photo, it now looks like his head is hanging... you're right...a bit spooky.. lol!

  3. Oooo...nice place. Love the rolling hills...

    1. Bulgaria is known as the "Balkan State"...Balkan meaning mountain...but I think some of it are hills...

  4. Such beautful scenery, sounds like you had a gorgeous day, love the decorations on the trees.

    1. Outing with family is always exciting, meeting up with friends add even more excitements:)

  5. What a wonderful day for a road trip ! Beautiful scenery ! I love the whimsical designs on the trees :D

    1. Now and again, small road trips are a great treat:)


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