Monday 13 March 2017

This working hand

Dear Family & Friends

This girl is not into nail painting or is a fan of a beauty saloon.... but since we were at the mall meet up place early, she popped into a nail varnish shop who's encouraging customers to try on their she decided to paint her nail for free to fill the time.

the manicured hands

This is a hard working hands...a hand that loves painting, yes that includes DIY wall painting, furniture painting and water colour paintings! But today she got the sense of humour of showing her painted nails to the chickens in our garden!!..perhaps to cheer up a dull and cold winter's day.

let's see what the chickens got to say about this hand...

'Come on chickens...have a look and let me know what you think about my painted nails.' ...the chooks are curious least three of them came forth in response.

They were willing to engage in a conversation with the's all girlie talk.

I think they were impressed by it all

Judging by the look of this candid photo, I think they were fascinated with what humans can come up with....which they call: manicure:)

It's true there's nothing much going on in our garden at this time of the year...but having chickens in our garden keeps us entertained all year. Well, just some small talks to include in my journal. I'm afraid nothing's so exciting going on for the moment. Hope you have more excitement where you are and do keep happy:)



  1. You'll give those hens bad ideas - they'll be wanting theirs done next. :-)

    1. ha!ha! There will be a few customers by the look of it:-)

  2. Hi Annie, this is a fun and cute post. I enjoyed your manicure story and I think the hens enjoyed it too! Nothing much happening here. Staying inside the house because the days are hot without the rain.

    1. It's definitely wise to keep cool inside the house when the weather is hot...perhaps it's manicure time ;P Have a good day Nancy:)


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