Monday 27 May 2019

The barn is filling up

Dear Family & Friends

The barn was cleared and there are plans to make good use of this area. I leave that 'big idea' to the big boss and so far he have a done a great job in clearing it up. It's a good size area to put into good use.

the barn is cleared up

For the meantime, we ordered 5 cubic meters of logs for our winter fuel. We ordered logs early this year, thinking ahead of keeping us warm in the coming winter once again. We're definitely well organized this year;P Buying logs early means that the price is much cheaper than when you get them later in the year. 

our big boss is happy with his new tool and enjoyed cutting the logs delivered

Every year we buy pre-cut logs and every year we get cheated on our purchase because when they deliver the goods, we only get half of what we paid for because there's no way to measure how much cubic there is before they damp the orders at our doorstep.

This year, we decided that we get uncut logs and do the cutting ourselves. The long logs are stacked well in a lorry and we got 5 cubics of it. What a big difference that is! We ended up with so much logs and such cheap price too.

a barn filed with neatly cut logs for the coming winter fuel

Now, part of our barn is neatly laid with logs. These will keep us warm for a few years as there is so much of it. As for the rest of the barn area, we are all very curious as to how and what our big boss plans for it. We will wait and see as he is all excited about it too.

All is well within our four walls. There's just so much work to do here and we are all enjoying as we keep ourselves busy with work. Hope you are having a good productive day too.


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