Sunday 26 January 2020

Non-stop risotto these days

Dear Family & Friends

Our little family loves rice meals, especially little me as I love to gain weight, if I could. So, lately I got stuck with rice risotto - simply because we just have so many pumpkins to use up. Pumpkins are deliciously creamy and a very healthy food too.

rice risotto or a paella - my translation for this type of meal:)

Rice risotto topped with fresh argula salad leaves and perhaps a side dish of egg omelet makes a complete balanced meal for us.

leafy greens gives the additional freshness to it

After a couple of days my brain fizzled out - just couldn't think of new meal creation - so back to pumpkin rice risotto but this time I added shitake mushroom and dried sausage - well, it turns out more of an Asian tasting rice risotto - so yummy too:)

I add sausages or other meat along with root vegetables plus herbs for variation

As always, I take the advantage of pairing some fresh green salad leaves, simply because it's in season and abundant in our garden these days. Nothing beats a freshly picked veggie as the flavour is so full and intensely delicious!

a comfort food specially when it's cold and I need more body fuel to burn up

It's winter and warm food - high carb meals - seems a good option for us as it brings comfort, lots of energy fuel to burn and keep us warm and toasty specially for this season. In the next few days, we're taking a break in a warmer location, it's something that we are looking forward too:)

For now, I wish you a lovely day.



  1. Your risotto meals look delicious Annie.

    I too am making a lots of meals around our home grown vegies. We have a lot of turnips, kohl rabi and zucchini. I'm also discovering how nice garlic is when baked alongside a vegie assortment.

  2. Hi Annie, stopping in to speak! You've just made me very hungry!


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