Saturday 4 July 2020

Pack as much as you can

Dear Family & Friends

Space is not limited for us when it comes to growing food for our little family, yet I insist and believe that I should pack my veggie beds with as much plants as I could as they seem to be more happier having a close space to each other.

Left to right: row of beans, tomatoes and amaranth

One other reason is that it keeps the soil moisture from quick evaporation, as well as block weeds invasion. So, this mean that I conserve more water and work energy too.

tomatoes in the middle are staked to climb on string

Besides, if you grow more than what you need, you can also have the ability to store extra for future use and abundance to share with others too.

There's 28 big beds I filled with flowers and veggies

Gardening is a win win activity...if you can do it, go for it. Everyone can do gardening in a big or small space. Knowledge and skill will come naturally as you get into doing it. There's really no excuse to enjoy the experience of gardening. 

Hope you are enjoying your day today too.


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