Wednesday 3 July 2013

Very Loud Alphabet Day

Dear Family & Friends

Many days of the year, I cherish the thought that we live in a remote forgotten little village...for I value the peace and quiet of it all...but I'm proven wrong once again.

All photos taken before the celebration started

What?! Is it the Alphabet Day once again?!! (It's a nationwide celebration to commemorate the twin Bulgarians who invented the cyryllic alphabet now used by the Russians and some of the Eastern Europeans countries.) So, Our village comes to live, once or is it twice a year, for some sort of crazy celebration.

Much of the population in the village are old pensioners...I wonder if this is the reason why the music that accompanies the celebration is played so SO SO very LOUD!! What did you say Dear??

All photos taken was before celebration started

Sorry for the interuption...the village centre is all set up with bouncy castle, food stall and traditional music is played from 4PM to about 11PM on loud speaker!! Please note, our home is just a minute round the corner!! All music are played on a very high pitched note with words you can't really understand, despite of being repeated again and again all throughout!!... accompanied by accordions...very up beat! up beat...but at the same time it sounds like funeral music!! Me thinks!...specially when it's all getting into my nerves and without respite....!! Sorry for the ranting!

This vendor selling wild animals stuff toys got a noticeboard  that translates... no fresh ones!!

But this day, brings forth the opportunity to entice the young generations to come to the village to visit their lonely grandparents. The celebration also gives opportunities for women to get dressed in their native costume and they would do the dancing around in circles to whatever tune the accordion comes up with. It's an interesting culture.

This is the colour & design of the traditional dress for our village varies from village to village.

There's a bit of snacks and other tidbits sold in the Centre to entice people... but nothing really holds us captivated. Nice to get to the gathering to see our old grannie friends...but really we can't hold any conversation because no one got the hearing ability with the big loud speak on FULL blast!...

What did you say dear? I can't hear you... I guess I have to go and clean my ears now ...might help!

All for now.



  1. Hello Annie! Hello... Hello! (Both hands waving...) Can you hear me?

    Ok... I'll be back again when the celebration is over!

    1. Ha! Ha! ...but celebration will be back again next year!

  2. Nice! Very nice traditional costume. My daughter would love those soft toys...if there's any space left in her bed. LOL!!!

    1. I love their traditional costume too! Would be nice if they sell stuffed dollies wearing embroidered costume but ...I don't think Melissa would appreciate a stuffed snake on her bed like the ones on stall :O

  3. It seems like all small town celebrations have a lot in common but yet we all seem irresistibly drawn to them...hope next year's festival is not so noisy for you!

    1. Nice to see you leaving a comment Nancy! I do appreciate your visit:)

  4. Annie ?! Annie ! Turn down the volume for cripes sake lol How's the food they're selling ?

    1. Anne, didn't even try their food stuff as it was located very near to the loud speakers :O

  5. Hi Annie, clean your ears already? Can you hear me now? :)

    Interesting celebration and the costume look beautiful. But your ears suffer for 7 hours is no joke.

    Best regards.

    1. Amelia, it was a good opportunity to clean ears..yes, got back my hearing now :D

  6. Very loud but also interesting post! Fun to peek into other country's tradition. These ladies are very cool! Love that costume.


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