Monday 7 October 2013

Don't be discouraged! Grow Figs!

Dear Family & Friends

Last year, we asked villagers if figs would grow in our area. The reply was not very positive and we know there's not many who grow them, making us a bit discouraged. Because we love eating figs, we decided we just have to try growing them despite people's opinion.

Glad we did. We bought one bare-root young fig tree and planted it against a warm wall. We even got and separated an extra baby one which was attached to the main tree. Both took off! Not only that, on their second year, they started giving us little plants called suckers and fruits. It's super easy to grow.

3 suckers planted  in a recycled pot to get well rooted for future replanting.

This one is being planted in a big container. I am growing it in a container to take indoor during our cold winter. Once the outdoor figs get well established with us on it's third year - next year, I will probably replant this potted one out too. My sort of experiment to find out what's best. 

This potted young fig tree is already trying to give us it's first tiny fruit!

Sometimes, I just have to try this way and that way in my gardening journey. There's a lot of things to learn along the way. With common sense and some boldness, we do things and usually it means success... So, don't get discourage easily:)



  1. Annie , to tell you the truth I haven't eaten figs yet :P I've seen it from time to time at the local market but haven't bought one yet , not that expensive or maybe it is , a piece cost HK $ 15. , it is quiet big actually :D Hope your fig tree will thrive , good luck !

    1. Anne, must try this fruit. It's very sweet and I just love the feel and taste of the many hundreds of seeds within it:)

  2. I have a fig tree! We love it! Actually this is 2nd fig tree. The first one got too big and blocked a view from kitchen window so we cut it down. My next door neighbor has one though they don't like figs and we're allow to pick theirs anytime. Nice huh?

    1. You're so blessed to have such kind neighbours:)

  3. Hi Annie, I love those preserved dried fig, nice to munch as snack but they are way too expensive. :(

    1. Amelia, we also love those preserved dried fact we fight over it when we get them...not too often, as it's also expensive to buy...That's why, we're trying to solve our problem by growing more of them in the garden:)


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