Saturday 22 February 2014

Gradening Chores Has Started

Dear Family & Friends

Spring is here! We have all been very eager to start our gardening year once again.  Our Grapes Promenade garden area has been cleaned from all the plant debris.

Clearing up the decomposting plants of last year's

It was due to be done because as you can see, there were also a lot of flowering bulbs growing underneath the area. Because of the many composting plant over it, some of them were turning yellow...but not to worry because the sun will green them up in no time at all.

The Grape Promenade garden area is now cleaned:)

We also started filling up recycled yogurt pot with soil to start seed sowing. It's an exciting activity if you ask me. We always feel good working in the garden.

my little girl's help is invaluable

My little girl is so good with this task. We place the pots inside a box to hold them together and I take advantage in labeling each pot's content written right on the side of the box.

filling recycled yogurt pots with soil for seed sowing

 Last year I tried sowing my seeds direct in the garden under a covered tunnel...but I noticed some seeds never came up and I think slugs and snails sneak in at night to eat the seedlings as they pop, I'm back to my individual yogurt pots sowing. They stay out in our covered patio area...and I lay plastic sheeting on top of them to keep them warm till they sprout.  

Placing them in boxes and label seed variety sown on the side of the box

These are some of the things that are keeping us busy at this we look forward to preparing and starting our food, herbs and flower production.

Hope you have a productive and fun day today too:) Because we did:)



  1. Wow, already? We don't start planting until April, because of rain and seeds get moldy but your idea is great. You have a great helper looks like. Happy gardening.

  2. Yay! How wonderful you are starting your garden. I love that you are all involved in it too- can't wait to see it growing :)

  3. I will be starting my seeds in April in the house here. Wish I had little helpers here too :-)


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