Monday 28 July 2014

Just What You Do In Summer

Dear Family & Friends

We're keeping busy... but I'm shying away from my garden chores these days... just too hot for me, and by late afternoon when sun's gone down, 'mossies' (mosquitoes) start coming out, I have to let go of the weeds however big they want to be:!

Crocheted basket by recycling old T-shirts 

I've then went and find some of the old unfinished craft and that fills my time indoor these days. 

Sunset by the lake

The rest of us who are cyclist enthusiasts... they wait till sunsets and dash out for a quick bike ride. There's always the big lake to cycle to...not far from home...and sunset view is spectacular there.

Once the sun's's time to head back home. Tomorrow will be another new day:)

Hope you had a nice day today and a new happy tomorrow:)



  1. It has been hot here too and the bugs are crazy!!! Your shots are so very lovely!!! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!! Nicole xo

    1. Hi Nicole, Thank you for your visit and comment. I feel honoured because I only have a humble blog. Thank you too for all the inspiration your blog post brings...I benefit from all the sharing you do:)

  2. hello annie,
    today we have had thunderstorm again and moskitos(stechmücken).This year we have more as last year.Your crochet bag looks great.How do you make T-shirt yarn?
    Love the photos!!!!
    Have a nice week,
    hugs Regina

    1. HI Regina, Thank you for sharing with me the German word for mosquitoes. I must remember it whenever I meet them in the garden!!l I'm still learning German which was meant for 3 months but it's been 3 years least my two girls can converse in your language now:)
      As for the T-shirt yarn, just cut long thin strips of the old T-shirt, tie them as you go. Big crochet needle is easy for this but if you use a size 8 or smaller needle, you get a tighter stitch and the basket holds it's shape better:) Hope this helps:)

  3. Nice photos! What a beautiful place!


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