Wednesday 11 October 2017

our garden tortoise is angelic

Dear Family & Friends

I'm not one of those who enjoy pets inside the house. I feel they have more freedom if they live in their natural habitat. Besides the chickens that we have - who often times horrifies our neighbor when they see them free in our garden,  scratching to their hearts content. We made a fenced ran for them but I think their fence got a secret gate where they go in and out...done with the aid of our other free roaming pet tortoise!

our pet tortoise with a halo in our strawberry patch

Well, this tortoise is absolutely no bother to us. He roams around the whole garden, digs a hole to bury half his body when he wants a long sleep. He goes into the chicken run to enjoy the company of the hens, eats and forage anything he fancy from the garden and he knows exactly what is good food for him. He also likes human company. Often when he hears us out in the garden, he is also nearby.

our tortoise knows which strawberry to pick

A free roaming, self sufficient tortoise is a perfect pet....he brings a lot of smiles to our faces. When strawberry season comes, he competes us for the ripest, sweet red juicy fruit there is to get. We have one patch of strawberry that we surrounded with a mini fortress fence of roof tiles around it, while we allow him to go for all others he could find. But no, he still wants what is growing inside that fortress. Often times, he climbs in with much struggle, falls on his backside, and tries again. Occasionally he succeeds with the challenge.

tortoise's left over

The girls think he is an angel of a tortoise...that they even gave him a halo for his photo shoot! Not all the time...because as you can see, he grabs the reddest strawberry and just have a little nibble, only to go find some more!! Oh least he is one quiet pet and smart enough to look after himself:)

Hope you are having a wonderful day like us.



  1. The tortoise is so sweet!!.. eating strawberries.. :)

    1. Krishna, when we see our tortoise's mouth coated red... first thing that comes into our minds...'the culprit' - not so sweet thought...but afterwards we know he also have to eat, it's just that he's more vigilant than us LOL

  2. Aww I loved reading about your pet tortoise Annie. He's a very determined one isn't he!

    1. Sue, you're pet tortoise that is so determined...just hope he don't get too many flip overs...but I think he doesn't mind that because he does it again and again.

  3. Awww I'd love to have a cute pet tortoise in my garden! Although given the state of mine it would probably die from starvation...

    1. you made me laugh Yvonne...I don't think you can starve a tortoise...ours just nibbles very little here and there...anyway I'd love to see a pic of your garden because I don't think it's that bad. Base on your food blogging which is enviable...starvation should be a strange word to human nor any pets;P


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