Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Weed edible - amaranth greens

Dear Family & Friends

One beautiful morning I checked my garden, armed with a bucket and a secateur. It's time to gather food for the day. I saw lots of red leaf amaranth but they started flowering. These are too old and tough as vegetable, so I avoided them...but I can harvest their seeds for later use.

edible red amaranth, marigold and kale

Amaranth self seed itself in our garden like weeds...but they are definitely edible. I saw many green leaf variety, so I started to nip their new young top growth. They are delicious for quick stir fry, just like spinach...in fact, they are sometimes known as 'chinese spinach'.

Here's how to prepare it:
  • Wash and trim the green leaves Amaranth - about a 1 pound.
  • Prepare 3 tbsp oil, 5 cloves of garlic, 1/4 tsp sesame oil, salt to taste and a pinch of sugar. 
  • Heat the wok until smoking. Add the oil and quickly add the garlic and the veggie Amaranth.
  • Stir constantly for a minute, then add salt, sugar and sesame oil. Cook till leaves are just wilted.
  • That's it. Serve it along with other dishes you've prepared for the day.
various veggies and herbs from the garden for my day's use

I might go back to check my so dense garden and see what else I could find to plan for tomorrow's meal again. We are enjoying the abundance of food from the garden - both purposely planted and self seeded ones...oh...it's great chaos out there but a joyful one:) Life of a gardener is good!

Enjoy a beautiful day.


1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful and nutritious variety of greens.
    I love how there's always something new to learn from your posts Annie :D)


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