Monday 27 June 2016

Our happy garden

Dear Family & Friends

First of all, I want to say that I'm proud of the Brits who made their brave stand for their own country! Blessings for the coming success!

It's summer time, the heat is increasing, the garden plants are all going crazy with super growth, lots of food and beautiful chaos. The bees, butterflies and all other beneficial garden creatures are all frenzily busy all the time. The new lot of chickens bought earlier in the Spring are now growing big. They too are happy as we move them about in the grass lawn pecking and scratching for food insects and clipping the grass and weeds, at the same time fertilizing the soil:) Yes, it's one big happy garden!

From under our grapevine area, you can view part of the garden where our chicken tractor is.

Yet, we find that the mobile home we made for the chicken is not good enough. So we recently made it higher for the chickens to be able to roost on at night when they go to sleep. It's now a two storey mansion...with a summer look, just by adding an old chewed up parasol!! Rustic look huh?!

This is our latest chicken tractor mansion - summer looking with a chewed up parasol for joy of the hens

As you can see, their previous house was just a tunnel made out of tubes...and as weeks pass by, we noticed they started flying to the roof top of the low tunnel to sleep. It's amazing that the tunnel took all their weight!!

Last week, the chicken mobile tractor was just a tunnel - and they all perch on top to sleep for the night!

Now, in their new mansion, there's perches to perch far, they are not using it. The first night in their two storey mansion...they all flew up to the roof top and it collapsed. We fixed it again and hopefully tonight...they will learn to perch on the inside perches and not on roof top! Our silly chickens can really be silly sometimes!!

This week, the tunnel was rennovated and turned into two storey they can have indoor perches

As a family, we all seemed to get entertained by the chickens in our garden from day to's never a dull day in our happy garden... We are still working on this model of a light-mobile chicken tractor..if I've got more'll surely be told.

For now, I wish you good week ahead and hope that it is pleasant where you are. It is very warm here and I'm literally wilting in this weather, but..this is summer and it is just for a season...I might as well try to see the joy out of it! Wish me all the best!



  1. I am always looking for the cheapest housing for chickens bit it needs to be predator proof around here.
    sometimes they need training on where to sleep and you have to put them there each nIghtf for a while. They certainly provide plenty of entertainment in our family as well!

    1. Kev, our main goal for this type of mobile chicken home was that it should be easy to move around the lawn since the hens can destroy the area in a matter of days...the weekly moving of the pen is done by two dainty girls - it just got to be lightweight! Mobile chicken tractor is definitely a good idea for a happy garden/chicken/adults and children too:) Geoff Lawton got good chicken tractor in his vast open field...have you seen it? Thanks for the advice on training chicken to sleep..I'll pass on the task to my two girls:)

  2. You have a beautiful garden and love your chicken story. When I was a kid, mom reared pigs, ducks, chicken and I have my pet dog and cat. I love those days in the country. We reared chickens in my small garden when my father in law was with me but now no more.

  3. I love seeing your garden and your obviously very well cared for chickens.
    I miss the days of having a flock--they are the BEST entertainment. Who needs television when "The Chicken Show" plays daily in your own yard. Hope you have a good summer.

  4. Annie , those chooks certainly look happy :D Your garden looks amazing with all those gorgeous flowers !

  5. Yes chicken like to sleep in high places.
    They so healthy and fluffy.


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