Friday 4 November 2016

To the fish restaurant

Dear Family & Friends

It was a Saturday. The normal work days of Monday to Friday is over. Saturday is still our last work day for the week - but it's more concentrate on chores around the house. But then, this Saturday was different, two members of the family did an overflow job of the week for an hour. On top, we still had plans to do some house chores together...but one got the idea of breaking the mundane plan of the day when he said, 'Don't cook anything, we'll go out and eat.'

an array of dishes we ordered and enjoyed together.

Did you think I would reject the offer? Well, I quickly and frenzily finish the making of the 'Harissa' - my new found joy of preserving the multitude of sweet pepper that comes into our kitchen - Phew...just in time!! But as to the plan of scrubbing the kitchen floor, - abandoned. The lunch preparations were put back into the fridge quickly too, as I got the excuse of not cooking it. In fact, I just managed to grab myself a hot cup of drink and off we went!

A trout fish soup with a squeeze of lemon juice is delicious:)

An impromptu day outing family trip, was a nice treat for all specially with a bright beautiful couldn't be a better idea. We work hard as a family but we must be careful not to be slaves of our work chores... Work is always going to be there...but from time to time we must set some free time to break from our routine and reward ourselves to keep us going:)

Isn't this rose with a cobweb backdrop beautiful?

We made good and lovely memories together as a family. Something that we will always remember. It didn't cost much... surprises always come fun:) ...specially when you are all united for it!

Wishing you a lovely day much as possible, go and create a beautiful memorable week:)



  1. that was great.. the lunch looks so yummy..

  2. It's so important to balance work and play. Great idea to go out for lunch. Sounds as though you all deserve it. It looks so yummy.

  3. I too will not reject a good offer to eat out! We all look forward to a good treat to reward ourselves once in a while. I like the rose with the cobweb too.


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