Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Easy Strawberry Dessert

Dear Family & Friends

We started with one strawberry patch of about 40 little plants, which an old grandma neighbour brought and planted it out for us too. Later in the year, another neighbour came bringing us more strawberry plantlets and so I created another stretch of strawberry patch! My big girl also wanted to have her own strawberry garden and so she did one too, from the many plantlets that the main stawberry shooted out. No, we just can't have enough strawberry in our garden:)

Strawberries are so easy to grow...well..they just grow and also send out some plantlets themselves which you could replant elsewhere. Otherwise, they just attach themselves to the ground and form another main plant without any help!! All that is needed, is to keep them watered!

It's so nice to eat them as it is, with sugar, or try it with balsamic vinegar! Or yet, make a simple dessert like this.

Pour jelly (making it as per box instruction) over chopped strawberries in a bowl. Once jelly is set, top it up with whipped cream and add more starwberries.

This is definitely a recipe which any little girls can do, but,  big and little people all love!

Enjoy your day!



  1. Hi Annie, wow... so nice to have your own strawberry plant. Can just go out to garden pluck and eat. :) That's an awesome dessert.

    Have a nice week ahead.

    1. Amelia, Glad you think this is an awesome dessert...because it is very simple one compared to what you could come up with!

  2. Annie , I wish I can pick some of your luscious fresh strawberries right out from our computer screen *sigh* lol Make some strawberry ice cream :D I bet it taste way better as your berries are organic !

    1. Anne, I also wish that would be possible, then after you make the strawberry ice cream, I could try some back too:)

  3. Hi Annie! Just 3 words:

    ENVY, ENVY and ENVY!

    1. Alvin...that actually makes 4 words ;P But really there's no need to envy for just these strawberries when what you have over there are mangoes in season and all other countless, delicious exotic fruits!! :)

  4. Ooooo...that looks absolutely stunning! Slurpssss!!!!

  5. Oh, this look so tempting!! and it is easy to prepare, but try next time..

  6. I love strawberry! This dessert looks so good! I also have lots of strawberry plants in my back yard. I can't wait to try this recipe. Thank you!


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