Wednesday 15 January 2014

All Tucked In For The Winter

Dear Family & Friends

This is my temporary polytunnel in my kitchen garden for the winter season. Mainly to protect and keep a bit of the leafy greens for winter food. By spring time, we will also have a head start to some fresh salads:)

My temporary plastic tunnel needs a reinforcement.

With rain and snow, plus the wind, this plastic tunnel was not secured enough to form a tunnel for my plants.

Clever husband came to the rescue and did the job!

We tied some string from one curved metal to the next. These bended metals were simply stuck into the ground to form a tunnel frame. 

At the end of the tunnel, we reinforced it by tying the last metal frame to a post. With that all done, we placed a plastic cover over it and the plants will stay happy in there for the winter.

Unfortunately, some plants did not and cannot come under the cover of the plastic they will have to stay far, with daily heavy frost...these exposed greens are still doing OK. I know it looks so untidy with all the fallen leaves over it...but I think it will give them some form of a covering. (not one of my lame excuse;P)

Plants under cover are pak choi, lettuces, mizuna greens, parsley, garlic...and you can even find brussel sprouts in there! The Brussel Sprouts were too tall for the tunnel, but I didn't have the heart to pull them out...I think it will carry on till spring without a problem.

Well, I'm sure they're happy now they're tucked in. I sometimes feel I like to spend the winter season tucked in under the duvet too....but you know that is not possible...there's other chores in the house to attend with that, I have to leave you and hope you have a nice day today:)



  1. Hi Annie, thanks for sharing the gardening knowledge. Great idea to protect the vege during winter, very innovative.

    Have a nice week ahead.

  2. What a lovely garden you have!

  3. I see you are working hard in garden even in the winter. Terrific job indeed.

  4. Looks wonderful Annie! My neighbor has a terrific garden and all their rows are tucked in! I wish I had the space with enough sunlight! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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