Tuesday 5 April 2016

A family fun productive day

Dear Family & Friends

I watched the intricate design of the new rose leaves and it makes me think of the new hope for each new day. We are just blessed with another beautiful day, so we took advantage to go have family fun together this weekend. 

The beauty of  new rose leaves

Family fun meant...an early morning trip to shop for spareparts to repair our toilet cistern and to source some garden fence wiring - for our plot in the village. Whilst in town, we also checked the development of the apartment progress. At some point of time, we're ready for lunch, so we bought bread rolls, a packet of ham slices and a bowl of yogurt cucumber salad to share for lunch. This was eaten in front of the rowing Canal as we intend to be there for an hour of cycling fun afterwards.

A new greenhouse to house goji berry seedlings

On the way back home, we took advantage of the long quiet village road to let my big girl have a driving practice. The dad as the instructor, with me and my little girl as back seat passenger enjoying the ssslow drive. Whilst in the village area...we decided to check out a goji berry farm nearby. Met a young guy and he showed us his new business venture. We might visit him again sometime soon. 

As daylight is getting longer, we arrived home still light enough to go to the neighbour's house to collect a few Empress trees to plant out. After unloading the shopping and bikes off the car...a cooked meal was served to a famished family. Some of us even managed to twick the web design project before calling it a day. It was a full day for everyone and was a good productive day!

We do most things as one family unit. We enjoy it that way. Wishing you and your family blessings for this week too.



  1. That was indeed a very productive family fun day. The goji berry greenhouse sounds interesting.

  2. That was indeed a very productive family fun day. The goji berry greenhouse sounds interesting.

  3. So interesting they start up a goji berry nursery in your neighbourhood. You had a great productive day with even your daughter practicing driving, I remember we did that too with our daughter in the past on a large parking place. Always fun to do things together with the family.


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