Friday, 21 January 2022

Landscaped a new garden section

Dear Family & Friends

With the unusually warm weather last week, we took the opportunity to landscape another section of the garden. I planted 120 silver leaf plants called ''lambs ear'' along the pathway. We also planted a long line of rosemary and lavender plants alternately, in between the rows of  existing fruit trees.

It was a lot of planting, but all plants were free -as I propagated them myself. Glad we finished the job while the beehives are not so active in winter, to avoid being in their flight path. In a few months, this area will be very beautiful as plants takes over to cover the ground.

Growing a garden prompts us to come out for fresh air and receive a dosage of sunshine vitamin to keep us strong and happy. Let's all aim for a healthy and happy well being, specially at this time. 

Have a good day.


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