Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Season Is Changing

Dear Family & Friends

It's been very sunny and cool...but as it is also windy...ahem....I'd rather appreciate the sun from our kitchen windows.

Outside, I can see just a few Zinnias hanging on. Their beauty had given us so much pleasure for the past months. Many bees and butterflies profited from it too:)

Its time to say goodbye. It's too cold for them to carry on. But I'm sure they will come back next year with even greater number, for they have left us a lot of seeds to collect and replant for next year.

The trees are also saying goodbye for this year. They are starting to shut down their food system, ready to hibernate for the coming cold months.

But before they shed their leaves, they are leaving us beautiful leaves of yellow, orange, red and browns...once they fall into the ground, we will have the treasure of rich compost to nourish the garden soil next year.

For me, autumn is a sad season...but it is all vital to prepare the season of promise for the next...

Once the wind calms down a bit, I guess I have to go out to the garden to enjoy the setting sun. Gardening chores have by now slowed down. It's probably time to prepare and think about in-house projects.

I wonder what's keeping you busy during the autumn season?



  1. You have taken some beautiful photos :-) We've been raking leaves non-stop! Most we throw into the barnyard for the animals. They appreciate the extra nibbles!

  2. Annie , by next month , it'll be snowing in there :D Here , we've got some nice , cool weather , bye summer at last !

  3. Amazing autumn photos! I hear your sentiment. I feel some sadness too when the air get cooler and leaves turn their color.

  4. Hello Annie, everything is changing so quickly - love this time of the year and seeing the amazing colors! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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