Saturday 12 July 2014

Purslane Pancake Makes A Comeback

Dear Family & Friends

A couple of days ago, we had very heavy rain accompanied with full blasting wind... a typhoon sort of thing! Very unusual and it was frightening! At least it only lasted less than an hour, but a lot of my corn and other tall plants got pushed a I have to fix them upright!

Just mix:flour, egg, water, a bit of salt like you would do for pancake batter, then, add the purslane!

With all the rain, the purslane love the moisture and are doing very well and are growing everywhere! We have been picking them and have been eating them as salad with homemade dressing or as purslane fritters or pancake!

Purslane fritters cooking in the pan, one has yet to be flipped over:)
We eat food in season...whatever comes our way during the course of the year, all from our garden. It's so fresh and delicious that I don't need to add any seasoning for they have their own special taste.

Although there's a lot of work involved to produce natural garden food...but it is all worth it! There's really no if you could grow food, by all means go for's fun and very beneficial.

I have to get back to my garden..still a lot of work to finish out there...Hope you have a beautiful day too:)



  1. I don't know what purslane is but looks good. You're so wise and amazing!

  2. Hi Annie. I popped in to see your blog and I'm excited to see your wood chips all over the garden. As you know I'm really enjoying the Back to Eden way of gardening. It is fun to see that you are doing it too!! I've added your blog to my blog roll so I'll keep an eye on you!! :-)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. Although I do not have the time to reply to everyone of them on a constant basis, but, I do read every comment and appreciate it all.